Sunday 15 May 2011

Symbolism- (Reborn Christian Baptism)

One of the most important symbols in the ritual is the water in which the individual is baptised in. The water represents new life, new beginnings, as well as the Holy Spirit. In the midst of the water, that is where the transition takes place. This realtes to the birthing of the universe, where it began with the Spirit hovering over the water. Furthmore it is an element that purifies and cleanses the body of it’s sins. In the water is where you depart from your old ways.

Secondly the Bible is used in the ceremony to present certain readings in realtion to baptism. This is symbolic, as it resembles a key to the gates of heaven. Often Christians fall back on the scriptures to be reassurred that the faith will carry them throughout lifes up's and downs. In this specific case the scriptures commands Christians to be baptized in order that they may be able to enter the gates of heaven. As said in Romans 6:4, 'We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life'. Without the word of God, this ritual means nothing and christians wouldn't know how to perform the ceremony if the writings in the New Testement weren't published.
Another impacting symbol, is the individual emersing from the water because as soon as they come up they are seen as a new being. This act refers to the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It can be further compared to a wedding vow because it clearly reflects the message of ‘until death do us part’. What I mean by this is that, the person has chosen to die to the flesh beside Christ and rise up to be one in spirit. If you are not born again your spirit is dorment and it doesn’t awaken till you take that step in Christ as explained by Pastor Robert Furrow:

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